This manifesto is not an easy one for me to write. My upbringing has been quite different to most others. In many ways I do not think that I have much to write about when it comes to facing adversities. I have been blessed with amazing opportunities and experiences and I am thankful for everything I have, but it is difficult to write about stuff where I do not have any experience of it. Coming from a Christian background I have always been brought up with the value of “love your neighbour as yourself”. This points towards the idea of equality, acceptance, respect. These are points I want to discuss in my manifesto. Living in Oxford my whole life I know there is a huge problem with so many people being homeless. When I was in year 10, we did a charity fundraiser where we raised money for the homeless in Oxford. We turned off the heating, the electricity, hot water and all electronics were handed in for 24 hours. This was in winter so it was pretty cold without heating. We ate ve...