Architecture and Beyond (week 2)

 Architecture and Beyond (week 2)

This week I want to discuss the Ukraine situation. I think for me it is getting more and more scary. Speaking to my dad mid week for him it has been very interesting. He works in pharmaceuticals, and currently there are a lot of difficulties. First of all some of his team members are in Ukraine and are having to take cover or have been able to flee. As a company they have given away all their product that is in Ukraine to help anyone. But one of the most difficult decisions they are having to make is should they do business in Russia. With many companies deciding not to trade Russian products and not to send products to Russia. Over 330 companies have either withdrawn or suspended action in Russia. Now it's difficult from where my dad is sat as the company don't want to be seen as supporting Russia but they also provide a life changing treatment. On top of that restrictions on flying to Russia has made it difficult to fly products in. 
On top of that I have friends with family out in Ukraine and it is stressful for them. They are worried for family members who are still stuck out there and haven't be able to escape. I could not imagine the situation is is shocking and being away from family must be near impossible. 
I also want to shout out some guys who are travelling to Poland to take supplies to the Polish-Ukrainian boarder. They went to the same school I did and through our old pupils network were able to raise £20,000+. It is amazing to see communities coming together to support Ukraine. They have driven out and made it safely and are starting to help provide any resources they can. 
The situation is apocalyptic and will take years to sort out, but an interesting outcome will be the new architecture that can be built. The opportunities are endless and I hope we can see some positives come out in terms of architecture.


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