Gender and Identity: Does space have gender or sexual identity.

 Gender and Identity: Does space have gender or sexual identity.

This weeks lecture was from Phevos Kallitis on gender and identity. This is a topic that I don't have the understanding I would like to have. I grew up in a Christian home where the bible teaches Man and Woman. As well as teaching on gender it also teaches on sexuality. I find the idea of there being more than one gender hard to get my head around having always been around people who would say they were either man or woman. However I have more understanding on sexuality as I know many more people who choose to identify as a different sexuality. I found the tea break very interesting especially the stuff about gender. I think from the tea break though I found the development of how kitchen's were designed in a time when the view was women should be working in the kitchen and stay at home. However I think we should have looked less at the past and more how can we change it in the future. Spaces need to change to be unisex, for example many buildings are being designed to have unisex toilets. The architecture applications project we have just started also requires our toilets to be unisex. In terms of other places I think that there has to be a change of mentality. Areas and spaces need to be designed to make everyone of every gender and sexuality feel comfortable, therefore mentalities of women work in the kitchen need to go. 


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